TH3 B1G R3V34L
Get ready WipEout pre-order pilot...
TH3 T1M3 H45 C0M3! We have in our clutches a finished copy of WipEout: Futurism – a riot of tDR(emixed) iconography, fax-era design documents, interview-rich videogame history and countless fluro and metallic inks... it’s a thing of B34UTY.
Copies of the ROM Special Edition are due to arrive at our warehouse and start shipping out in mid-October. Until then, we’ll jump straight to the main attraction – scroll down for a sneak preview of what will soon be part of your collection. The key creators of WipEout: Futurism – writer Duncan Harris and art director Michael C. Place (Build) – have poured untold amounts of love and care into this book, which we think will be clear as soon as you hold it in your hands. It's a portal to both the future and the cutting edge of 1990s visual culture all at once.
We’ll be back in touch in September to check addresses prior to shipping out your custom cover edition. Thanks once again for your support and congratulations on securing a stone-cold collector’s item – a lot of you will know that Read-Only Memory has been working on making this book happen for a very long time, so we’re thrilled we’re just weeks away from hearing your reactions.
Darren Wall
Read-Only Memory

Here we go!
R34DY!! … G0!!!
L00ks mental!
Metallic inks make me h@ppy…
I see silver tint on that pages?
I see silver tint on that pages! <3
Looks great! Can’t wait to hold it in my hands and read it.
L3T’5 G0!!!
Wow, I knew it was going to look good – but this preview is superb, with its mix of iconography, design documents and beautiful layouts. Another fine ROM production on the way!
Looking glorious. Can’t wait to see the final product. You’ve done an amazing job on this.
It looks way too good to be true. Tracks or features will get cut out at the last minute. You know it.
Looks gorg3ous!
I can’t wait for this.
M0R3 !!
I 4M R34DY!
Y35 !!