Shipping soon, confirm your details

Dear Led By Donkeys supporter, 

We are pleased to announce that we're expecting copies of the Sunlit Uplands Edition of Adventures in Art, Activism and Accountability to arrive at our warehouses in the next few weeks, and will begin shipping orders toward the end of October 2024.

We also want to make you aware that you will receive the Sunlit Uplands Edition a little later than the standard bookstore edition, which will be released next week. This is due to the extra production requirements of the edition, including hand-finishing the slipcase, having each fragment of the ‘Tories are Lying’ billboard signed and inserting the exclusive Boris Johnson ‘Liar’ print. These extra elements are exclusive to the Sunlit Uplands Edition and not available anywhere else: you have acquired a very special limited edition.

To check that your shipping details are correct, please log into your Volume account to find your order and edit where necessary by Sunday 15th September 2024. Alternatively, you can contact us and we can update your address for you. 

If you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact 

Thank you for supporting Volume!

The Volume team


On Suzette Starmer commented:

My copy arrived today – fabulous thank you!

I’m quite relieved that I don’t have a fragment of Rees-Mogg’s face – just plain Tory blue. Please keep up the great work.

On Alex Guy commented:

Any update in delivery dates please? Cheers.

On Anne Jennings commented:

Got nothing delivered, have bought a copy in Five Leaves, our local independent bookshop

On Duncan Reynolds commented:

Please do not deliver during half term week from 28th October to the 1st November inclusive. Looking forward to receiving the book which is now a belated birthday present!

On Mike L'Alouette commented:

My address is correct. Has anyone got theirs yet ?

On Mark BNryant commented:

Address is correct.

On chris marks commented:

Correct Address: Really look forward to receiving order. Many thanks Chris

On Ian Charlton commented:

My address is correct

On Mark Fitzpatrick commented:

My address is correct

On Kobi Omenaka commented:

My address is correct on my account

On Jan Waller commented:

My address on my account is correct

On Gwyneth Watts commented:

Same address as before!

HU13 9AE

On Paul Daly commented:

I did! Have been very much looking forward to looking through it – coming soon! 😀!

On Heather Watts commented:

So looking forward to receiving this latest work from the LBD Team. Their intelligent humour has seen me through some very dark times in recent years. Thank you LBD x

On SG commented:

For anyone posting a message. The email was intended to provide an update on shipping. Doesn’t require anything to be confirmed and certainly not for anything to be posted here eg address details.

On Tricia Stewart commented:

Our government and individuals need to be held to account. LBD does this with humour,research,originality and hard work.
(I am biased as I am Ben Stewart’s Mum!)

On PETER FORREST commented:

Did I order this? It looks great but I don’t remember.

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