The first samples have arrived
Dear HUXLEY fans,
We are extremely excited to report that we have just taken delivery of handbound sample copies of HUXLEY. We’ve laboured over the fine details of this package with author Ben Mauro over the past months and as you’ll see, the work was worth it… our online-exclusive quarter-bound edition is an incredibly striking and tactile package – the blood red Pantone typography on the textured spine material is so bold in fact, it’s tricky to photograph! The Deluxe Edition dials up the styling even further, with both the slipcase and book wrapped in the same textured material and stamped with black and blood red metallic foil typography.
Take a look at what will soon arrive with you below …
Unfortunately, due to the numerous rounds of proofing we went through to perfect both the exterior elements and to get the colours in certain sections of the book itself just right, copies of HUXLEY are due to arrive a later than we had initially forecasted, with copies now expected to ship in early May. We apologise that production took longer than we’d projected when we launched pre-orders – we hope the extra wait doesn’t feel too long.
Producing HUXLEY – Read-Only Memory’s very first graphic novel – has been enormously satisfying – our team has put a lot of work into making sure that every page looks its best, with every detail being finely-tuned under Ben Mauro’s supervision. Although it took longer than initially expected, the extra time made a real difference. The pages themselves are jaw-droppingly punchy, a marvellous sight we’ll unveil closer to our fast-approaching shipping window.
For now, we hope this is a tantalising taster – this beautiful hardback edition of Ben Maruo’s debut graphic novel will be worth the wait.
We’ll be back in touch again soon to update you on shipping and unveil the stunning printed pages of HUXLEY.
The Volume team
Thank you for the update! I am looking forward to holding them in my hands!